The Golden Corral has a very nice meeting room which has doors that can be closed to keep the noise from the rest of the restaurant from being a distraction. Plus, there are blinds on the outside windows which worked great to keep the sunlight from interfering with Hal's presentation. A special thanks is due to Becky, KD8IZK, who provided the laptop projector and screen for the presentation.
Upon arriving the members picked their meals from the buffet and we arrived at that time when both breakfast and lunch foods were available. While eating there was a great deal of interaction between club members. This is one of the best aspects of the WVDXA meetings. Lots of good information was shared at this time.

It was amazing to see the planning, preparation, staging, moving, traveling, training, and just flat-out effort these people engaged in for the sole purpose of activating a rare DX entity. Hal gave us a peek into the "behind the scenes" activities which most folks are never aware of but which happen on nearly all DX'peditions. Hal shared his insight and knowledge freely with the WVDXA and his presentation was very informative as well as entertaining. Hal shared facts with those attending that were not made available to the regular ham community and the very real dangers faced by this group of intrepid DX'ers was staggering. To travel to a location where there is simply NO OTHER LAND withing 1,000 miles puts you in a very lonely and dangerous place. Then to have a failure of one of your two engines followed by a failure of the only spare replacement part, leaves a sinking feeling in the hearts of those involved. The word used most often by members who attended to describe Hal's presentation was "AWESOME" and that is a fact!
Above, on the left, you can see a photo of one of the slides from the presentation which shows the DX'pedition members onboard the M/V Betanzos surrounding a Banner for the WVDXA. In addition, all the members of the 3YØZ DX'pedition signed the WVDXA Flag and in the photo below, you can see Hal presenting that to WVDXA President, Clark, W8TN.
I expect that those who saw this presentation will be forever changed in how they view DX'pediitons in the future. For that, the WVDXA gives a very big THANK YOU to Hal, W8HC.