Group Photo at the WVDXA Fall Chili Lunch |
N8RR's Elmer Award |
The WVDXA Fall Chili Lunch at the home of Frank, KA8SYV, and his gracious wife, Paula, was a rousing success! Above you can see a shot of all 25 who attended. (All photos are courtesy of Hal, W8HC.)
Frank presents the Elmer Award to N8RR |
At the meeting, Frank, KA8YSV, presented Charlie, N8RR, with the Elmer award seen on the right. As Frank made the presentation the group burst into a huge round of applause! A close-up of the award can be seen on the right. Click on any photo to see a larger image.
During "Show and Tell", Jim, K4JWA, gave a demonstration of his "Air Boss" launcher. Putting antenna wires over tall trees is now a relatively easy matter. Jim has a neat "Go Bag" with a motorcycle battery, a compressor, guage, etc. to charge up the Air Boss. When fired, it launches a large sinker 100-feet or more into the air and that pulls a fishing line out of the reel attached to the tube. Tie a larger line on the end with the sinker and reel it back in. Beats a slingshot for sure!
K4JWA & the Air Boss |
Also at "Show and Tell", Charlie, N8RR, demonstrated his SARK Antenna Analyzer to several interested members. And, Clark, W8TN, displayed a mint DX'ing tool from 30 years ago - The DX Edge. This grey-line sliderule was donated to Clark by Wally, W8LRL.
The absolute highlight of the meeting was when the entire group sang "Happy Birthday" and presented a card signed by everyone along with a Birthday Cake to Jimmy, W8JA's mom, Oleta. She just celebrated her 91st Birthday yesterday! What an amazing woman!
Oleta's 91st Birthday! |
Since ALL three of the WV ARRL DXCC Card Checkers were in attendance, everyone could get their QSL's checked! Donations for the upcoming FT4JA DX'pedition were collected by Larry, K8YYY. Hal, W8HC, again thanked the club for it's donation to the upcoming VK9WA DX'pedition where he will be one of the operators. And, lots and lots of DX stories, tips and tricks were shared by everyone. Not to forget, we consumed two different kinds of chili, nachos, donuts, two different kinds of AWESOME pie and some OUTRAGEOUS lemon cake, brownies, cookies, beverages, and so on - you get the idea - We Ate WELL!
W8ZT Enjoys the Chili! |
Everyone who had a hand in this affair, even if all they did was show up, is to be commended! It was another FANTASTIC WVDXA get-together. And, we decided to try and schedule some kind of similar event every three months, even if we have to have it at Golden Corral. Email is nice, but getting together like this really gets the DX juices flowing!
Attendees included: Clark, W8TN, & Evelyn, Dave, W8IW, Janice, KC8BFF, Rick, W8ZT, Larry, K8YYY, & Beckie, Mary, KD8IPW, Jim, K4JWA, Dave, WA8WV, & Mary, Tim, K8RRT, Joe, WV8WVU, Frank, KA8SYV, & Paula, Bart, WT8V, Garry, W8OI, Jimmy, W8JA, & Oleta, Alan, W8OP, Charlie, N8RR, Rick, WV8RC, & Charlotte, Bob, WA8VPN, and Hal, W8HC.