The latest edition of DX Magazine's Most Needed Countries list is now available HERE (scroll down a bit to see the list.) The current DX'pedition to J5, Guinea Bissau, is listed as No. 100 so it will definitely not make the list next year. And, my nemesis, P5, North Korea, has climbed to No. 1 at the Top of the List. It is also interesting to note that BS7, Scarborough Reef, fell from No. 1 to only No. 8. There must still be a lot of DX'ers that need it. Check over the list and see where those countries you need stack up with all the DX'ers around the world.
Send DX Hints or Kinks to any of the Blog Authors shown below.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
SWODXA Dayton DX Dinner Announcement
The South West Ohio DX Association has announced the 2008 DX Dinner to be held on Friday evening, May 16th, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in downtown Dayton. Tickets are $37 each. You can read the Press Release HERE. The SWODXA web site HERE has reviews of last year's dinner and the extensive prizes given away each year. Amazing! If you would like to attend as part of the WVDXA contingent, please contact W8TN.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Rwanda, 9XØR, March 2008
A team of 10 operators from Spain, Italy and the Ukraine plan to be active from 10 to 160 meters (include WARC bands) on CW, SSB and RTTY with 3 stations at the same time. They now have the license in hand. Further details can be found HERE and an online log will be available during the operation.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Marquesas Is. - FO/m - Jan. 9 to 22
OH1RX, OH2PM, OH6KN and OH8NC will open up from the Marquesas on January 9th for a 2-week DX'pedition. They plan to focus on the low-bands and the East Coast of the U.S. Equipment is 3 stations, each with 500-watt amps, from 2 separate operating locations. Antennas are phased verticals on 80-M and 40-M, a 23-M top-loaded vert. with elevated radials for 160-M plus Beverages and K9YC receive antennas and yagi's for the higher bands. Looks like a good chance to pick up some FO/m band-countries. Also, an online log search should be available HERE. Also, don't forget the J5C operation from Guinea-Bissau Jan. 11 to 21. These two major operations should keep the bands hopping.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Official! New Sunspot Cycle Starts.
WASHINGTON (AP) - A new solar cycle is under way.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Friday that the first sunspot of a new 11-year cycle has appeared in the sun's northern hemisphere.
The frequency of sunspots rises and falls during these cycles, and the start of a new cycle indicates they are likely to begin increasing.
Sunspots, areas of intense magnetic activity on the sun, can affect Earth by disrupting electrical grids, airline and military communications, GPS signals and even cell phones, the agency said. During periods of intense sunspot activity, known as solar storms, highly charged radiation from the sun may head toward Earth.
"Our growing dependence on highly sophisticated, space-based technologies means we are far more vulnerable to space weather today than in the past," said NOAA Administrator Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr.
Last April an international panel of solar experts forecast that Solar Cycle 24 would start in March 2008, plus or minus six months. The panel was split between those predicting a strong or weak cycle.
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5:39 PM
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